Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) are arising since the time the presentation of the Companies Act, 2013. The LLP is a different legitimate element, obligated to the full degree of its resources however the risk of the accomplices is restricted to their concurred commitment in the LLP. LLPs are favored type of business as it is an option corporate business vehicle that gives the advantages of restricted obligation of an organization and permits its individuals the adaptability of getting sorted out their inner administration based on a commonly shown up arrangement, similar to the case in an association firm.
The LLP form is accessible in nations like United Kingdom, United States of America, different Gulf nations, Australia and Singapore. On the exhortation of specialists who have contemplated LLP enactments in different nations, the LLP Act is comprehensively founded on UK LLP Act 2000 and Singapore LLP Act 2005. Both these Acts permit formation of LLPs in a body corporate form for example as a different legitimate substance, separate from its accomplices/individuals.
Necessity for the conversion of private company into LLP
> LLP will have greater adaptability when contrasted with an organization.
> LLP will have lesser consistence necessities when contrasted with an organization.
> LLP doesn’t must have its records evaluated if the yearly turnover of the LLP is not as much as Rs. 40 lakhs and the capital commitment is not as much as Rs. 25 lakhs.
>A profit got from Company is available in the possession of investors according to their appropriate section rate. While tax assessment form for LLP is less difficult. LLP is oppressed uniquely to Income charge. Profit Distribution isn’t appropriate on LLP. Whenever benefit is pronounced and charge is paid by LLP, the dispersed pay is tax exempt in the possession of the accomplices.
> A repaying the capital (i.e.) Buy back is extremely intricate and expensive exercise if there should arise an occurrence of organization. Nonetheless, in LLP, accomplices can pull out his/her capital anytime of time by composing a straightforward letter. There is no duty ramifications on withdrawal of capital from LLP.
> There is no stamp obligation on all portable and undaunted properties of the organization; on transformation of a private restricted organization into LLP as such properties consequently vest in the LLP. No instrument needed to be executed and thus no stamp obligation is needed to be paid.
>No Capital addition charge will be charged on move of property from the organization to LLP, if the conditions specified in the Section 47(xiiib) of the Income Tax Act 1961, are satisfied.
> Carry forward and set off misfortunes and unabsorbed deterioration of the organization is considered to be misfortune/devaluation of replacement LLP the earlier year wherein transformation was affected, accordingly such misfortune can be conveyed for additional 8 years in the possession of the replacement LLP.

Legal framework for conversion
Section 56, Third Schedule and Fourth Schedule of LLP Act-2008
A Private Limited Company or Unlisted Public Company might change over into a Limited Liability Partnership as per the arrangements of Section 56 and the Third and Fourth Schedule of LLP Act, 2008.
Qualification of Conversion
> There is no security interest in its resources remaining alive or in power at the hour of use; and
> The accomplices of the restricted responsibility association to which it changes over involve every one of the investors of the organization and nobody else.
Prerequisites for transformation of organization into LLP
> Every individual from the organization should concur with the choice of transformation.
> All the individuals become the accomplices of a LLP and nobody else.
> Not simply the individuals, every one of the loan bosses of the organization should likewise concur with the transformation.
> Under Companies Act, no arraignment ought to have been started system to be followed.
> All the forthcoming forms and returns are needed to be topped off to date with the RoC.
> No open (unsatisfied) charges ought to be forthcoming against the organization.
> At least one monetary record and yearly return ought to have been documented by the organization after its joining.
> The organization ought to have share capital.
> The organization ought not to be a Section 25 organization/Section 8 Company under Companies Act, 1956/2013.
Conversion procedure
> Call for Board Meeting and pass Board Resolution for the change of the organization into LLP.
> Take the Written assent business of the multitude of investors for transformation of Company into LLP.
> File application for name accessibility in online form ‘RUN-LLP’ with the RoC. Append the Board Resolution and proposed object proviso with the name accessibility application.
> Once the name is endorsed, execute all vital reports like assent, supporter sheet and so on and record form FiLLip and form 18 with the RoC.
Attachment for FiLLip
Subscriber Sheet
Consent of Designated Partner
Proof of Address of Registered office of LLP i.e Sale Deed/Lease Deed/Rent Agreement
NOC of proprietor of enlisted office, whenever taken on lease/rent.
Most recent Utility bill of enlisted office
Detail of LLP(s) as well as Company(s) in which accomplice/assigned accomplice is a chief/accomplice.

Attachments to form 18
Proclamation of investors. It is the archive given by every investors giving their assent and explanation.
Proclamation of Assets and Liabilities of the organization appropriately ensured as obvious and right by the reviewer.
List of the multitude of got banks, if any alongside their agree to the change.
Copy of affirmation of most recent annual expense form.
Notwithstanding above documents, CRC might request extra reports like Certificate from Auditors that Company isn’t conveying NBFC exercises, A self-statement from investors that Company doesn’t have any gotten lenders on the date of utilization of change.
> Once change is supported by the RoC execute LLP Agreement and document something similar with the RoC in e-structure LLP 3 within 30 days of endorsement of transformation by RoC.
Attributable to adaptability in its design, compliances, duty and activity, LLP would be helpful for little and medium ventures, overall. Globally the types of business like Limited Liability Partnerships are the favored vehicle of business, especially for administration industry or for exercises including experts. The change from the current corporate construction can be made to a LLP while holding the upsides of Limited Liability and less compliances.